Welcome to our newest blog series, Sunday Morning Coffee! We hope that this morning finds you healthy and happy while enjoying your bean sized escape for the morning.
This morning, we would like to introduce you to this blog series and let you know what you can expect from this section of the blog in the future. These Sunday morning coffee dates will explore the rich realms of coffee, culture, and coffee culture!
"What is coffee culture!?" I hear you cry. Well, the term "coffee culture" refers to the social atmosphere and particular social behaviors that rely heavily on coffee, particularly as a social catalyst. In short, coffee culture is the meeting and melding of coffee and culture throughout the world.
In these morning escapes, you can expect to enjoy a hot cup of history, geography, and sociology! Don't worry, there won't be a quiz! Expect to be immersed in the local flavors, traditions, and sights of a new area each week.
Again, thank you for checking out our newest blog series, Sunday Morning Coffee. We are truly grateful for each and every one of you and can't wait to get started with our weekly coffee dates! See you next week for your next bean sized bit of coffee, culture, and coffee culture!